Thursday, April 3, 2008

Japanese Food - Sushi

The most popular plate in Japan is the "sushi". They use a special rice, fish (cooked or uncooked) and vegetables. The sushi is popular in all the world. In Recife has a Japanese Restaurant, the name is Quina do Futuro, it's localized in Futuro's Street, in Aflitos. Have many types of sushi - nigiri-zushi; maki-zushi; oshizushi; chirashizushi; narezushi; temarizushi, etc. In Japan they eat on the floor, on a small table, but they have a custom of eat in family. The basic idea behind the preparation of sushi, is the practice of preserving fish with salt and fermenting with rice, a process that can probably be traced back to seafood-preserving methods used in China and South-East Asia, where countries have a long history of rice cultivation.

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